  • Prep Time:5 minutes

  • Cook Time: 5 minutes

  • Serving Size:

  • Serves: 8


1 medium tomato (sliced)

2 teaspoons oil

1/4 teaspoon black pepper

1 small onion (chopped)

1/3 cup cheddar cheese (shredded)

1 clove garlic (chopped)

1/2 teaspoon oregano (or basil)

6 large eggs

2 cups mixed vegetables ( fresh, canned, or frozen )


  1. Beat eggs with pepper, oregano or basil, and cheese in a medium bowl.
  2. Heat oil in a medium skillet. Add onion, garlic, and other vegetables and cook on medium (300 degrees F in an electric skillet) until soft.
  3. Pour egg mixture over vegetables. With knife or spatula, lift outer edges of eggs so egg mixture flows to the bottom of the pan.
  4. Cook until eggs are set, about 6 minutes. Top with tomato slices.
  5. Cut into 8 wedges; serve hot.

Source Oregan State University, Food Hero

U.S. Department of Agriculture. Website. Veggie Skillet Eggs. Recipe source: Source Oregan State University, Food Hero. Available at Access date: 09-05-2024.