1/2 cup tomatoes (canned or cooked)
1 small onion (cut-up)
1 small celery (stalk, cut-up)
1 cup corn (whole kernel, canned or cooked)
1 cup chicken (cut-up, cooked [or turkey or pork])
2 cups broth (chicken, turkey or pork)
- Heat broth to boiling. Add cut-up vegetables and tomatoes.
- Cover and boil gently about 30 minutes until vegetables are tender.
- Add rest of ingredients. Boil gently a few minutes longer to blend flavors.
U.S. Department of Agriculture. Nutrition.gov Website. Vegetable Soup with Chicken, Turkey, or Pork. Recipe source: Source USDA, Food and Nutrition Service and Consumer and Food Economics Institute (1977). Available at nutrition.gov/recipes. Access date: 09-05-2024.