  • Prep Time:

  • Cook Time: 3 hours

  • Serving Size:

  • Serves: 6 servings


1 teaspoon garlic powder

1 cup liquid from cooked beans

6 cups water

1 teaspoon olive oil

2 cups pinto beans (dried)

1 cup onion (chopped)


  1. Clean the beans. Leave them to soak overnight. Drain.
  2. In a medium pan, put soaked beans, water, onion, garlic powder and olive oil.
  3. Cook over medium heat for 2½ hours or until beans are tender.
  4. Mash 3 cups of cooked beans in large heavy skillet.
  5. Add 1 cup bean cooking liquid. Cook over medium heat until thick and the desired consistency.

Source University of Illinois Extension.

U.S. Department of Agriculture. Nutrition.gov Website. Refried Beans. Recipe source: Source University of Illinois Extension.. Available at nutrition.gov/recipes. Access date: 09-05-2024.