  • Prep Time:5 minutes

  • Cook Time:

  • Serving Size:

  • Serves: 6 cups


1 cup whole grain cereal (square type)

1 cup dried fruit (of your choice)

1 cup pretzels (small)

1 cup whole grain cereal (puff type)

1/2 cup nuts (small)

1 cup whole grain cereal (O type)


  1. Set out a bowl of each ingredient with a serving spoon.
  2. Let guests add a spoon of each ingredient to a plastic bag or other container. Shake to mix. Enjoy!

Source Oregon State University Extension

U.S. Department of Agriculture. Nutrition.gov Website. Do-It-Yourself Trail Mix. Recipe source: Source Oregon State University Extension. Available at nutrition.gov/recipes. Access date: 09-05-2024.