  • Prep Time:

  • Cook Time: 30 minutes

  • Serving Size:

  • Serves: 4 servings


1/2 cup tomatoes (canned or cooked)

1 small onion (cut-up)

1 small celery (stalk, cut-up)

1 cup corn (whole kernel, canned or cooked)

1 cup chicken (cut-up, cooked [or turkey or pork])

2 cups broth (chicken, turkey or pork)


  1. Heat broth to boiling. Add cut-up vegetables and tomatoes.
  2. Cover and boil gently about 30 minutes until vegetables are tender.
  3. Add rest of ingredients. Boil gently a few minutes longer to blend flavors.

Source USDA, Food and Nutrition Service and Consumer and Food Economics Institute (1977)

U.S. Department of Agriculture. Website. Vegetable Soup with Chicken, Turkey, or Pork. Recipe source: Source USDA, Food and Nutrition Service and Consumer and Food Economics Institute (1977). Available at Access date: 09-05-2024.