  • Prep Time:

  • Cook Time:

  • Serving Size:

  • Serves: 1 sandwich


1 slice bread slice (whole wheat)

2 tablespoons nut butter (or cream cheese)

6 medium pretzel sticks

1 medium blueberry (or black bean)


1. Cut two rounds from the bread slice using a cookie cutter, biscuit cutter, or drinking glass.
2. Spread a thin layer of peanut butter or cream cheese on the bread rounds.
3. Press 6 pretzel sticks in the center of the peanut butter – or cream cheese – coated round to form the legs of the spider.
4. Cover the bread round with the second bread round.
5. Cut the blueberry or beans into 2 pieces.
6. Press black beans or blueberry halves into the top of the bread to make the spider’s eyes.

Source Head Start: Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center

U.S. Department of Agriculture. Nutrition.gov Website. Spider Sandwich. Recipe source: Source Head Start: Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center. Available at nutrition.gov/recipes. Access date: 09-05-2024.